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Get a leg up on common ailments
that can affect your feet


It’s the beginning of the new year and you are ready to kick off a new exercise program, but your feet are hurting. Some health issues can make it challenging to put your best foot forward. But knowing about ailments of the feet – and how to deal with them – is a step in the right direction.

Common foot problems include:

  • Plantar fasciitis: This occurs when the plantar fascia, a thick tissue band running from the heel to the foot’s bottom, becomes inflamed, causing stabbing pain. Tension and stress on the fascia can cause small tears but often, the cause isn’t obvious. Treatments include icing, wearing night splints, and stretching and strengthening exercises.
  • Hammertoes: This deformity bends the toe’s middle joint, causing pain and possibly corns or calluses. Treatment involves stretching and strengthening exercises, wider footwear, and pads to relieve pressure, which is especially crucial for those with diabetes or arthritis.
  • Flat feet: This issue occurs when the arches collapse. It can be inherited or caused by weak muscles. Arches can also gradually flatten with age. Symptoms include pain in the arches, legs or heels. Strengthening exercises, supportive footwear; and custom insoles can help alleviate discomfort.
  • Heel spurs: These are characterized by pain or tenderness in the heel area. They develop from chronically inflamed plantar fascia, leading to the growth of additional bone. Rest, icing and orthotic devices may be recommended. Surgery is an option for severe cases.
  • Bunions: These large, painful bumps at the base of the big toe can be caused by genetics, arthritis or narrow shoes. Treatment often includes wider shoes and bunion pads. Severe cases may require surgery.
  • Ingrown toenails: When toenails grow into the surrounding skin, they can cause infection. Treatments involve soaking the foot, using topical antibiotics, or sometimes having a healthcare provider remove part of the nail.
  • Athlete’s foot: A fungal infection causing redness and itching, often treated with antifungal powders and proper foot hygiene. Prescription medication may be needed in hard-to-treat cases.

If you have concerns about foot issues, consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. You can find a foot-focused provider by logging into Blueprint Portal or calling the phone number on the back of your member ID card.