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That’s entertainment! – Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield will be giving away tickets to live productions at the Walton Arts Center. Check our social channels and/or the community events calendar on our website to find the shows we are sponsoring.


From the heart! – February is American Heart Month and we’re raising awareness of heart health with a giveaway! Find an ArkansasBlue Welcome Center near you (visit ArkansasBlue Welcome Centers – Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield for locations) and register for the chance to win a heart-themed basket.


In the long run – Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield is a proud sponsor of the Little Rock Marathon!

The Little Rock 10K and Little Rock 5K, and the Little Rockers Kids Marathon are set for Saturday, March 1. The Little Rock Marathon and Little Rock Half Marathon will be held on Sunday, March 2.

Register to participate in an event or come out to cheer on the participants. Participating runners and walkers can visit our booth at the expo in the Statehouse Convention Center for free socks and soothing gels. Visit Little Rock Marathon for more information.

Check our community calendar for more!

Looking for ways to ways to improve your health or fun community events? You can find it all on! By clicking on the event calendar button, you can find Take Good Care events hosted by Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield and other community events happening all over Arkansas. From free mental health first aid classes and Medicare educational seminars to your local community 5k, living your best life your whole life long has never been easier.